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Holcombe Parish Council

Our Parish Councillors

A Councillor is a member of the Parish Council and is normally elected for a term of four years. All Parish Councils are elected in full every 4 years, at the same time as the Somerset Council elections. It may be that a vacancy arises on the Council between the full election cycle, and in this case a by-election may be called. For those elected at a by-election or by co-option during the four year term, their term of office may be anything up to the full four years.

A Parish Councillor may be affiliated to one of the political parties, or can stand as an independent (not affiliated). What Parish Councillors do all have in common is an active interest in their local community and a concern for it. Much of the role of the Parish Councillor will be in representing and dealing with the issues of those who elected them, and considering the business of the Council through its formal meetings. Depending on the way the Council organizes its business it may form committees to deal with specific areas of council business, such as playing field or village hall committee.

Chair Simon Brand

Vice Chair Mark Davies

Councillor Simon Eade

Councillor Elaine Emery

Councillor Philip Gait

Councillor Adrian Govier

Councillor Helen Kerr

Councillor Dave Roberts

Councillor Jon Stratford