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Holcombe Parish Council

D-Day Success!

Photo of the Beacon

The highlight of the month was without doubt the 80th anniversary of the D Day Landings, the largest seaborne invasion in history.  

National and international events took place during the 5th and 6th of June to commemorate the huge sacrifice made by those who took part in Operation NEPTUNE which was the operational name for the amphibious landings.  

Holcombe celebrated this historic occasion in appropriate style with a D Day themed quiz in the village hall followed by live music, refreshments and the lighting of the beacon on the playing field.  Over 175 people attended the events which is testament to the community spirit of the village and your willingness to support local events.  

The Parish Council would like to thank everyone who gave their time and expertise free of charge to ensure that the evening was such a success and we are particularly grateful to Colin for setting the questions, Daryl (D-E-Electrical) for overseeing the electrics, Mike (Fibreway) for establishing the wi-fi and Mandy for stepping in at the last minute to replace the professional singer who failed to arrive on time for her performance.  

The Parish Council believes it very important to commemorate these historic anniversaries to pay tribute to the sacrifice made by the servicemen and women of the time and reflect on the privileges we enjoy today as a result, and I am very pleased that so many parishioners feel the same and demonstrated their support.  

12th June 2024